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NuoviMondiMedia » wang zhi


一条叫招财的鱼 ( 2018 )

Yong, head of the security section of the hotpot factory which is about to be demolished, trying to save his brother Hao Zi who owned gambling debts. In the case of salary arrears, he reluctantly took the factory's 'mascot' golden dragon fish ready to cash in to save his brother. Unexpectedly, the USB disk in the stomach of the fish was involved in the the factory lan...

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28 Mar 2023, 04:16
La Tierra Errante

La Tierra Errante ( 2019 )

Cuando el Sol comienza a expandirse de tal manera que inevitablemente engullirá y destruirá la Tierra en cien años, la humanidad unida encuentra una manera de evitar su extinción propulsando el planeta fuera del Sistema Solar usando motores gigantescos, moviéndolo a un nuevo hogar ubicado a cuatro años luz de distancia, un viaje épico que durará miles de años.

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19 Apr 2019, 10:55