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NuoviMondiMedia » layla cushman

Consider the Lilies

Consider the Lilies ( 2023 )

Diana is the picture of a successful woman who has it all. She has a great husband, Michael, a beautiful daughter,Kelsey and she owns Sweet Lilies, a very popular and busy cafe and bakery. Diana's life seems perfect until she begins to realize the toll her long hours at Sweet Lilies have taken on her family when she discovers her husband's affair. Diana's world is sti...

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22 Jan 2024, 08:02
A Walk with Grace

A Walk with Grace ( 2019 )

Cuando su madre muere la semana antes de Pascua, el ejecutivo viudo de Los Ángeles Nate Lassiter (David Lee Smith) y su testaruda hija latina Chloe (MIshka Calderon) finalmente deben regresar a su ciudad natal en Ohio, donde se enfrenta a la abrumadora tarea de firmar la fábrica de su familia. Nate chocará con su prima rencorosa y rencorosa (Jenni-Kate Deshon) a la que obligó a administrar la fábrica cuando se fue años antes, una huelga laboral liderada por un compañero de lucha libre de la

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01 Apr 2023, 09:38