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The Milkman

The Milkman ( 1931 )

Flip, the owner of a dairy farm, wakes up one morning and goes to milk his cow. He has problems with a pesky fly who is eventually swatted by the cow's tail. Flip then takes the milk into town to deliver it. While in town, he encounters a bratty little kid who just won't leave him alone. Eventually Flip and the kid make up and become friends.

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18 Apr 2024, 12:18
Red Earth

Red Earth ( 2022 )

Red Earth imagines a world in the late Anthropocene, where large parts of Earth have become inhospitable to life. The story follows three generations of Martians, from the first colonists to the first expedition to return to an Earth decimated by interplanetary war.

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18 Apr 2024, 12:16
Monkey Man: El Despertar de la Bestia

Monkey Man: El Despertar de la Bestia ( 2024 )

Kid, un joven anónimo que se gana la vida a duras penas en un club de lucha clandestino donde, noche tras noche, con una máscara de gorila, es golpeado hasta sangrar por luchadores más populares a cambio de dinero. Después de años de ira reprimida, Kid descubre una manera de infiltrarse en el enclave de la siniestra élite de la ciudad. A medida que el trauma de su infancia se desborda, sus manos misteriosamente llenas de cicatrices desataron una explosiva campaña de represalia para ajustar

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15 Apr 2024, 08:51