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Dance First

Dance First ( 2023 )

El genio literario Samuel Beckett vivió una vida con muchas facetas: bon vivant parisino, luchador en la Resistencia durante la II Guerra Mundial, dramaturgo ganador del Premio Nobel, esposo mujeriego, ermitaño. Pero a pesar de toda la adulación que recibió, era un hombre plenamente consciente de sus propias debilidades.

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16 Mar 2024, 02:12
Devil's Men

Devil's Men ( 2023 )

The horrors of war through the eyes of a real WWII soldier in the First Special Service Force. Sam Byrne was a Wyoming ranch boy who was drafted and went off to war to do his duty, in spite of the fact that he didn't want to "haf'ta kill unless I really haf'ta." He quickly learned that he had to kill or be killed, and he had to kill to protect his buddies - the men he...

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08 Mar 2024, 03:31
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